Bodily Space / Spacial Body
- Wool from our neighbours sheep
- Wool felt bought at the sheep festival in the neighboring town
- Beeswax from our neighbours bees
- Birch bark from the birch that fell in the autumn storm 2018
- Copper
- Betong
- Rowen-berry
- Linen thread from the weaving lady in Sunne
The work consists of four hanging tapestrys that both function as walls and at the same time as body jewelry. All materials can be seen as skins, at the same time they are used as building materials (except for the rowan berries that only relate to me, my name and family history). The work consists of a performative part and a wall-fixed part.
It was shown as part of Box Summerstudio at the Röhsska Museum in Gothenburg at Black Box, Oslo, as part of Pluss Pluss 2019 and at Tromsø Kunstforening as part of Open Out

Performance by Matilda Lidberg at Design Week at Röhsska, Gothenburg
Performance by Karianne Karlsrud and me as part of Pluss Pluss at Black Box Theater in Oslo