”Först kommer svart
Sen vit. Så röd, gul och grön
Och sist, långt mycket senare
Kommer ordet för blå
Och himlen blir beskriven,
havet får en färg
Lika självklar som att du finns till?”
Vestfold Kunstsenter, Tønsberg
The work consists of three parts: an installation, a text and a choreography.
The installation can almost be seen as a scenography waiting for or frozen in a movement. In the exhibition room there is also a text in five acts, together they tell a classic existential story; of the split as a beginning, one cell separates and becomes two and so on. About the care in creating order, an intention that can generate both warmth and discord. About the crisis as a decisive point that holds the potential for both disaster and healing. Of a sensory displacement, which experience counts as true? - And further, about a possible ending. An exhibition that arose and then disappeared. Or?
As part of Aparte festival, there was a performance developed in collaboration with dancer and choreographer Karianne Karlsrud.
The aching mother (the star) - Steel, raku-fired ceramics, plaster, quilt from when my son Ivar was a baby.
Placenta - Stone from Suomenlinna, plastic bag found in Paris
• Breast - Oil chalk on leather. • Care Control - Paper, oil chalk
Lucky animal - Raku fired and black fired clay
Tongue from lucky animals, used as body jewelry in performance
Pigment from Lapis Lazuli
The scream - Black fired ceramics, wool yarn coloured with woad, enough to make one Lovikka glove
Stone with sharp division
Scene from performance, make-up done by my son Einar 3.5 years
Tenjōname - Black fired ceramics
The Crying Wolf I - Plaster, Steel, Blue Quilt, Wool, Glitter thread, Brass Wire
The child - Bearing wall in our house (spruce wood), Värmland stone (cyanide quartzite) (my mother's roots) Stone from Övertorneå (my father's roots), Genuine lapis lazuli pigments.
Meeting point - Stone from “treriksröset” the meeting point between Sweden, Norway and Finland, orange balloon with blue water
Värmland stone (cyanide quartzite) (my mother's roots) Stone from Övertorneå (my father's roots)

A book consisting of five folding zines, made with two colored riso prints on colored paper.
Together with Karianne Karlsrud, I developed a choreography for the installation that was shown as part of Aparte festival. The sound of the performance comes from the Installation by Daniels Slåttnes shown downstairs, it is the sound of a neuron, or one could also say, the sound of a thougt.