Vintermänniskor / Värmeledningsmänniskor
(En koreografi av relationen mellan förnuft och känsla)
Eller; Je danse donc je suis
Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
The work consists of nine sculptures and a text. As well as a choreography made in collaboration with and performed by the choreographer and dancer Karianne Karlsrud.
Frans G. Bengtson wrote the short story The Winter Man about the contrast between the mentality of the stoic old farmer's direct struggle with nature in relation to city dwellers who can keep nature and the cold winter at a safe distance with their heating pipes. The exhibition is a story about the relationship between city and countryside, culture - nature, fast thoughts - slow thoughts, reason and feeling as well as our preconceived notions about contradictions.
Together with the choreographer Karianne Karlsrud, a choreography was developed. The choreography is an extension of the movement and performativity of the process and material. Choreography is the relationship between time, body and space. My material lists and texts have a lot in common with what in the world of choreography is called scores; instructions for movement. Through the work with the choreography, I want to connect to the process of the sculptures, the collection of materials, the production of form, and the potential for the sculptures to live on as bodies that make new associations. The choreography makes visible the movement in the gallery space.
Holobiont III
Stone from Hammarö, Wool from my neighbors sheep, bees wax from my neighbors bees, birch bark from the birch that fell in the autumn storm 2018, tinder fungus, abstract organ in wood fired ceramics, my hair, pvc pipe
Aspen from the forest next to our house, flax fiber I got from a woman I met at the bar on Stewart Island
(Tree hugger)
Wood log found in a park in Berlin, My hair, Blue bow found outside KINDL, Rabbit foot from one of the rabbits we raised as food for our wedding, Steel, Concrete, Earth, Wool from the neighbor's sheep, Paving stones found in Berlin
A Quick Thought
Willow twig from Berlin, Granite stone from Oslo, Bark from Västra Ämtervik
Foten som smakade på marken
(The foot that tasted the ground)
A piece of the house wall in our apartment in Berlin, Reinforcement bar, Concrete, Soil, Plaster, Construction mesh
Part of the house wall at our house in Västra Ämtervik, Plastic, Roofing felt, Birch bark, Wool from the neighbor's sheep, Bark, Hornets nest, Ash and wasp nest from the chimney in our house
Railroad (With a hope of a functioning infrastructure)
Iron from the railroad, Birch bark, Blue plastic modified part from my husband's ongoing project, Red / Green rope, branch, concrete
Värmland Outlook
Fir logg, Blue Wool, Cardboard from Skoghallsverket, Soil, fir needles
Constructed Meat
Floating buoys found in the forest, Roots, Bark, My hair, Branch, Concrete, Soil, Rowanberries