A bird whispered in my ear
or; Extraordinary Everyday Poems
or; Värmland is Part of the World
Konstfrämjandet, Karlstad
A bird whispered in my ear is a a promise that a bird will lead the way, but what kind of bird is it? And does it exist at all? It is the story of imagined opposites such as; culture – nature, city – countryside, death – life, joy – sorrow, true – false. It is poems about shifting perspectives, about whether anything we thought we knew was true, and whether there are any facts at all to rely on, especially in a place like Värmland.
The work consists of 16 sculptures and a series of texts that I have worked with over the past few years. Material in selection; raku-fired ceramics, beeswax from the neighbor's bees, part of our house wall, crow's head from the crow we shot in Vesterålen in 2013, my hair, horseman from the neighbor's horse, flax fiber from a woman we met at the bar on Stewart Island New Zealand
Woodfired ceramics, Stone from Hammarö, wool from our neighbours sheep, birch bark, tinder fungus, wasp nest, my hair, pvc pipe.
Wood from our house wall
Crow head from the crow we shot in Northern Norway 2013
Stone found in Filipstad 2023, Stone I got from a friend in Kil when I was 7 (1995)
Je danse donc je suis
Our house wall in Berlin, 3D-printed plastic that was part of my husband Daniels artwork
The foot that tasted the ground II
Wooden log from “fake healing” seance, wax
Woodfired ceramics, PVC-pipe, flax fiber I got from a women I met at the bar on Stewart Island
Kyanit quartzite, Part of our house wall, my hair
Main from our neighbors fux horse, hanger welded by my husband's grandfather
Wood from the forest next to our house, Flax fiber from New Zealand
Ace of Bird
Cloud of steal, hand of ilmenite from Sokndal, magnet, piece of wood found in my pocket
The brain is in the stomach
Fireburn ceramics, beeswax from our neighbours bees, My hair, chain, wood.
Sensory Impressions
Stone from Långbans mine village, Stone from Kristiansand, Kyanidkvartsit från Torsby, Stone, (magnetic, perhaps also containing gold) from Sunne.
Värmlandic gaze (The ocean gives me anxiety)
Wood from our house, plastic found in the ocean at Flekkefjord
The skin that embrace, divides, separates and keeps a distance
Bull kelp from New Zealand, Birch Bark from the tree that fell in the autumn storm of 2018, rabbit skin from one of the rabbits that we raised and served as food at our wedding, plastic found by the side of the road in Västra Ämtervik, wood, mane from our neighbors horse.
A bird whispered in my ear (- The symbol of a hand, that holds a constructed branch that holds a manmade memory of a bird)
Sour birch found under a tree in Sondal, 3D-printed branch that Daniel printedforme, steel

Book with poems and images of sculptures. Exists in Swedish and in English, contact me for price information